Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Is it Possible, Mr Lovable is already In your life?

What if the one you were suppose to spend the rest of your life with, was right infront of you. Maybe the timing just wasn't right, he might have always been in a relationship or you might have always been in a relationship. Then when you were both out of your relationships, you were emotionally unavailable. A number of things could be factored in to why things could never work out, or why you never thought of the perfect one for you as the perfect one for you. It's that meeting the right one at the wrong time thing. Don't you just hate that?

Maybe Mr. perfect for you is in your life, but you just have to pass through a few jerks to realize he's the one for you. Bad relationships help us to realize what a good relationship is suppose to feel like. I'm one for not fighting love or feelings if it feels right, even if it is bad for you. The bad boy only fills the space until the good guy gets to it, right?

I spend a lot of time talking about what women deserve and what men should give to them. But men go through this just like women do. What if Mrs right is already in your life, but you just couldn't see it. There is that pesky bad timing thing, whether it's because you want to be a playa playa or you've been hurt and you just can't get over it bla bla bla. I believe we have several soulmates throughout our lives, depending on the decisions we make or how we treat them, determines the outcome of the relationship.Our free will, the ability to make choices determines the outcome of our lives. Think about it. Have you ever had that one girl or guy, that you loved unconditionally, but you did something to mess it up, and it ruined things. Could she have been your soulmate, but because of the decision you made, it completely shattered the relationship. Then you got another chance at finding another soulmate, could it be possible?. Who makes the rule that a soulmate can only come once in your life? or is suppose to be with you forever, maybe we have short lived soulmates and long lived soulmates.

Anyways the whole point of my post is to tell you to open your heart to possibilities and let love reign man. That's the point of our whole existence, is to recognize when something is good for us and choose it. Life is only as happy as we want it to be and what's life if we don't have someone to spend it with. Stop being afraid of letting someone in, you may have been hurt before, and you may even be hurt again. The truth is if you get hurt now or 10 years later, the effects are pretty much the same. Nobody is ever ready to be hurt, nobody wants to be hurt. So live a little will ya.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

What Men need to Know about Women and Vice Versa

Men and Women are completely different, that's the number one thing we need to understand. Men commununicate on a whole different level than women do. Women are communicators, we show how we feel through cues, emotions. While men don't really understand emotions if it's not spoken. Women tend to give ideas about how they are feeling and sometimes leave the guy to figure it out. What we fail to realize is that men don't understand this way of doing things. If something bothers a man he expresses it. So when he asks you what's wrong and you say nothing and he says okay, he really doesn't know what's bothering you, unless you tell him. Women need to realize in order for communucation to flow freely you kinda have to bring yourself down to a mans way of communicating, because he will not figure out what your emotional cues are saying.

During sex there is a hormone that is released called oxytocin, which is also called " the cuddle hormone" it lowers our guard, which makes us more susceptible to falling in love after sex. Testosterone in men reduces the effects of oxytocin. So there you go men. It's not because we want to fall inlove with you, there is a scientific reason why we become more emotional after sex. The hormone enables us to lower our walls and start trusting, That's why we form bonds so much easier. That's why there are so many more single mothers than there are fathers, because during stressful times extrogen in women amplifies the effects of oxytocin which then enables us to feel more empathic than men, So we spring into nurturing mode.While this doesn't happen for men, it makes it easier for them to just leave. When this hormone is released during sex the body can't tell whether or not this is the love of your life or a fling. So that's why you feel crappy after that fling ends abruptly. During sex the main hormone released in men is Dopamine, the pleasure hormone. Which is proven to be addictve, that's why men are more likely to become sex addicts.

 Men are more left brained, which makes them more task oriented, while women process information in both sides of the brain. A lot of the times when a man is trying to speak to us and we are talking and doing something else, they become aggravated, because they don't understand the concept of multitasking. Men do things in a systematic way, one after the other, which would explain why women are better at taking care of the home and doing jobs that require multitasking and men are better at certain things, like programming or Mathematics.

The biggest difference between men and women is that we are  more emotional, which makes us better at communicating and forming bonds. If both species took the time out to learn what makes each other tick. Communication would be greatly improved thus enabling us to understand each other a lot better.


BREAKS! I have my Ish together, NO you will not turn my World all Topsy Turvy

Okay I had to write a post about this, have you ever met a fine a** man and he totally threw you off your game, had to catch your breath for a second or two, cause chemistry was just booming, and everything just felt oh so right? then you remember a man that beautiful, only comes with a lot of problems and issues. But you just wish in some alternate reality that he could be that perfect one to rid you of all your bad experiences with all the losers you've been out with. Ofcourse, we all have been there. For a second you allow yourself to be entrapped by him then you freeze for a minute and think, oh no no no you will not come mess with my head and have me singing Tony Braxton's unbreak my heart, oh no honey.

As much as the idea of a beautiful structured man sounds enticing, they come with trouble, almost always players, if he's not a full on player, they have some committment issues, I don't know if it's because they think they're too beautiful to settle down, or that one special girl broke their heart way back when. Whatever. As quickly as you get those feelings, brush them off, wash it off if brushing it off doesn't work.

On the other hand though, allowing yourself to feel that good feeling, isn't such a bad thing. Sometimes you just can't help it, you know he's bad for you, but it just feels so good. Life is about taking risks I guess, besides what kind of stories would you tell when you get old.. It might lead into something magical. But if you're just not ready for your world to be spun out of control leave that man alone and go settle for a nerd, hey they make the best partners, or so I've heard. Don't knock it till you try it.

Women like the chase though, that's why most of us go for the bad boys, because they keep you captivated, with all their drama and issues. Women might say they don't like drama, but deep down you know you do a little, you aint gotta lie. Life would be boring if something didn't stir your world a little every now and then. I think women go for bad boys because they think that's the epitome of masculinity, strong, acts like he has no care about rules, but in all actuality, bad boys put on a facade, they hide behind the luxury cars and the flashy clothes, usually the bigger the facade the more fragile the ego. But that's a whole other topic.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The One you Want Never Seems to Want you Back

We have all been through this once or twice, maybe even 3 times in our lives. for the ones who haven't, 2 claps for you, you've managed to spare yourself a major blow to your self esteem. For the ones who have, hang in there sweetie, there is someone out there for you. My motto in life is, if it's meant to be it'll be and if it's not, there's always icecream, chocolate and romantic movies to get you through those sad times and ofcourse that guy who will forever be friendzoned. lol

The best thing to do is to just let it go, I know the heart wants what the heart wants, but it's not worth it. You will spare yourself a ton of embarrassment and kleenex. You don't wanna be his right now and you shouldn't settle for being his right now, even if he's really cute. Which makes it even harder. You just have to keep yourself busy inorder to not think about him, go out, clean your house, throw yourself into your work. Do whatever it takes to get him out of your head. Cause I can almost gaurantee he aint thinking bout you.

Do not chase him. Don't text him, don't call him, exercise self control. If anybody is going to do those things let it be him. Now I'm not saying you should never call or never text, but especially if you just met him, you have to make him realize he's not the center of your universe. You show just enough interest to keep it going. Show him you don't need him, let him realize he needs you and if he doesn't, kick rocks...deuces! on to the next one. Someone better might show up. You never know.

Now this might sound like a game, but isn't life a game? depending on how you play your cards, you could get burned or you could win. Everything has an art to it, you just have to learn how to master that art. How to keep him coming back to you. Men like a self assured woman, you show him you have a life outside of him, and if you don't talk to him for a day or two, oxygen keeps flowing through your lungs.

But I know you think to yourself, why does this always happen to me, but it happens to everyone, knowing that makes you feel a little bit better about yourself. Life is a funny thing and love is almost always unexpected, thats what makes it so freaking amazing. Your love will show up soon, just stop thinking about it and before you know it, poof! unconditional love. Yeah right lol no I mean it.