Unappreciation can be a deal breaker, when one spouse feels like they are not appreciated in a relationship, they feel like there is nothing left to do but to leave. Women are naturally kind hearted and we tend to sense what people want, especially in a relationship, that's why we are better at raising children. Now men on the other hand have a hard time doing this, so they have to be told what a woman wants, women tend to get frustrated at this because they don't wanna tell a man how to love them and how they should be treated, they just want them to know. men think women are difficult. But in truth we aren't, we might be a little more complexed than men, but it doesn't take alot to make a good woman happy, like treating her with respect, being faithful, showing her she is appreciated and loved, not that hard men.( treat her how you would want a man to treat your daughter or your mother). Here is one difference between men and women: a man will want to take a drive or a walk , after an argument, so he can calm down, while a woman, if she walks away, she wants you to come after her and figure it out together. Some women can't comprehend why you wouldn't want to just work it out with the person you love. But that's just the way men are and sometimes that doesn't work in a relationship and if that doesn't work a common ground needs to be met in how to work a argument out.
Have you ever done so much for someone, they tell you thankyou, but you don't really see the appreciation a whole bunch, you only hear it. For me, i would rather you do both, if you say it , but your actions don't quite put that out, it means nothing to me. I think nobody should take feeling like that in a relationship. If you know you're a good person and you know what's in your heart and you have been doing good to your partner, but for some reason that other person doesn't see it. Then i suggest you leave and find someone who will. If all your talking and your trying to make it work goes on deaf ears and you've given everything in you, until you're worn out and no change is being made, find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
Maybe a few times in your life you have had a boyfriend, who perhaps liked to snoop through your phone or through your emails or facebook or something, because they have some insecurities deep down in them, that they can't quite get over. then they might see that you deleted a couple messages, not seeing the contents of the messages, but automatically they think you're doing something, when you have never given them reason to think you were. Then this keeps happening over and over again, and you keep getting accused of things you know you haven't done, it makes you feel like, maybe i should have been doing something, might as well, if I'm going to get blamed for it. Some men even go the distance of going through your computer history, just to monitor what you've been doing. Makes you feel like a caged animal. Nobody wants to be treated like that. If you have never cheated, or flirted or given him any reason not to trust you and he still can't trust you, just know the problem lies within him.
You gotta say to yourself i deserve better than this, i deserve someone who will appreciate me and all the things i bring to a relationship. Sometimes your head tells you to leave, but your heart is saying hold on, we can try to make it work, or your heart says leave, but your feet won't move, just trying to hold on to something, that just isn't there. People say relationships don't last anymore and i think it's because more women have found their voices, but that's just what i think. On the other hand some people are just vinegar and oil, they tried to mix, but after they already got together, they realized they are just not compatible. Life happens and sometimes you end up with the person you weren't meant to be with, but i guess it leaves you with an example of what NEVER to do again. But hold your head up and keep the faith and some day your happily ever after will happen. Merry Christmas to Everyone and Happy Holidays!
Have you ever done so much for someone, they tell you thankyou, but you don't really see the appreciation a whole bunch, you only hear it. For me, i would rather you do both, if you say it , but your actions don't quite put that out, it means nothing to me. I think nobody should take feeling like that in a relationship. If you know you're a good person and you know what's in your heart and you have been doing good to your partner, but for some reason that other person doesn't see it. Then i suggest you leave and find someone who will. If all your talking and your trying to make it work goes on deaf ears and you've given everything in you, until you're worn out and no change is being made, find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
Maybe a few times in your life you have had a boyfriend, who perhaps liked to snoop through your phone or through your emails or facebook or something, because they have some insecurities deep down in them, that they can't quite get over. then they might see that you deleted a couple messages, not seeing the contents of the messages, but automatically they think you're doing something, when you have never given them reason to think you were. Then this keeps happening over and over again, and you keep getting accused of things you know you haven't done, it makes you feel like, maybe i should have been doing something, might as well, if I'm going to get blamed for it. Some men even go the distance of going through your computer history, just to monitor what you've been doing. Makes you feel like a caged animal. Nobody wants to be treated like that. If you have never cheated, or flirted or given him any reason not to trust you and he still can't trust you, just know the problem lies within him.
You gotta say to yourself i deserve better than this, i deserve someone who will appreciate me and all the things i bring to a relationship. Sometimes your head tells you to leave, but your heart is saying hold on, we can try to make it work, or your heart says leave, but your feet won't move, just trying to hold on to something, that just isn't there. People say relationships don't last anymore and i think it's because more women have found their voices, but that's just what i think. On the other hand some people are just vinegar and oil, they tried to mix, but after they already got together, they realized they are just not compatible. Life happens and sometimes you end up with the person you weren't meant to be with, but i guess it leaves you with an example of what NEVER to do again. But hold your head up and keep the faith and some day your happily ever after will happen. Merry Christmas to Everyone and Happy Holidays!