Sunday, December 25, 2011

Feeling Unappreciated in your Relationship

 Unappreciation can be a deal breaker, when one spouse feels like they are not appreciated in a relationship, they feel like there is nothing left to do but to leave. Women are naturally kind hearted  and we tend to sense what people want, especially in a relationship, that's why we are better at raising children. Now men on the other hand have a hard time doing this, so they have to be told what a woman wants, women tend to get frustrated at this because they don't wanna tell a man how to love them and how they should be treated, they just want them to know. men think women are difficult. But in truth we aren't, we might be a little more complexed than men, but it doesn't take alot to make a good woman happy, like treating her with respect, being faithful, showing her she is appreciated and loved, not that hard men.( treat her how you would want a man to treat your daughter or your mother). Here is one  difference between men and women: a man will want to take a drive or a walk , after an argument, so he can calm down, while a woman, if she walks away, she wants you to come after her and figure it out together. Some women can't comprehend why you wouldn't want to just work it out with the person you love. But that's just the way men are and sometimes that doesn't work in a relationship and if that doesn't work a common ground needs to be met in how to work a argument out.

Have you ever done so much for someone, they tell you thankyou, but you don't really see the appreciation a whole bunch, you only hear it. For me, i would rather you do both, if you say it , but your actions don't quite put that out, it means nothing to me. I think nobody should take feeling like that in a relationship. If you know you're a good person and you know what's in your heart and you have been doing good to your partner, but for some reason that other person doesn't see it. Then i suggest you leave and find someone who will. If all your talking and your trying to make it work goes on deaf ears and you've given everything in you, until you're worn out and no change is being made, find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

Maybe a few times in your life you have had a boyfriend, who perhaps liked to snoop through your phone or through your emails or facebook or something, because they have some insecurities deep down in them, that they can't quite get over. then they might see  that you deleted a couple messages, not seeing the contents of the messages, but automatically they think you're doing something, when you have never given them reason to think you were. Then this keeps happening over and over again, and you keep getting accused of things you know you haven't done, it makes you feel like, maybe i should have been doing something, might as well, if I'm going to get blamed for it. Some men even go the distance of going through your computer history, just to monitor what you've been doing. Makes you feel like a caged animal. Nobody wants to be treated like that. If you have never cheated, or flirted or given him any reason not to trust you and he still can't trust you, just know the problem lies within him. 

You gotta say to yourself i deserve better than this, i deserve someone who will appreciate me and all the things i bring to a relationship. Sometimes your head tells you to leave, but your heart is saying hold on, we can try to make it work, or your heart says leave, but your feet won't move, just trying to hold on to something, that just isn't there. People say relationships don't last anymore and i think it's because more women have found their voices, but that's just what i think. On the other hand some people are just vinegar and oil, they tried to mix, but after they already got together, they realized they are just not compatible. Life happens and sometimes you end up with the person you weren't meant to be with, but i guess it leaves you with an example of what NEVER to do again. But hold your head up and keep the faith and some day your happily ever after will happen. Merry Christmas to Everyone and Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Spouse treats you like crap, you leave, then they want you back.

 Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend who treated you like the dirt under their shoes, then when you wised up and left, they wanted you back? it's a common case, the first explanation for this is, human beings do not like to be left, they would rather do the leaving. In most cases it hurts a lot more when someone leaves you than if you chose to leave them. Humans just have it in their heads that if I do the leaving first "i win!", which is kinda true, you get the bragging rights, but that doesn't mean you were the one feeling less pain. Some people don't want to be in the relationship, but they stay because they don't wanna be the initiator, they feel relieved if the other spouse does it first,  they genuinely don't wanna be the ones doing the hurting. There are others though, if they have a hint that you are going to break up with them, they jump the gun first, all because they wanna be the one to say, " oh i broke up with her first."

 When someone treats you terribly for a while and you keep taking it over and over again, that only means one thing to me, you're condoning the behaviour. If you stay, in their minds they think they can do whatever they want to you and you won't leave, so it shocks them when you finally get the guts to leave. Humans are creatures of habit and we all know habits are hard to break. How many of you have had a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend, or a bf/gf ( yes gf, don't laugh, it happens) who keeps hitting you and every time he/she says they won't do it again, they end up doing it again. You know why, because those things become a part of their personality, it becomes: KEY WORD, a habit.

It is up to you if you're gonna put up with a bad habit, but remember people treat you how you allow them to treat you. Some have been so accustomed to treating people like crap, they don't even realize they're doing it. Take for instance if someone grows up in a environment where being a jerk is all they see and know, what is the likely outcome of them growing up to be a well rounded mannerable individual, not a big percentage. We are products of our society, we grow up doing what we see in most cases. Primary socialization plays a very big part in the early years of a child's life, it forms a big part of their personality and maps out the adult who they will likely become. So some people just don't know any better and they expect you to just lay down like a doormat and take the stepping on, but what i would do is, shock them by leaving and believe they will want you back, but it's up to you to know your worth.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Never Settle for Good Enough

Just as the headline says, never settle for good enough! A number of people I'm sure have done this  at some point in their lives, probably because they've been hurt and they feel like the only way to secure their hearts, is to be with a guy they would probably not have considered before.

In your heart you'll know he is not the guy you really want to be with, he probably doesn't have the major characteristics or personality traits that you are looking for, but you think if you don't like him too much, then you won't get hurt. One of the biggest theories people have lived by is; the one who cares too much, will end up getting hurt, or the one who cares less has the power in the relationship.

That's no way to live your life, what's the point of being with someone if you're not gonna love them with your all and give them your all, it will be a waste of your time and the one whom your with. Getting hurt is inevitable, if you live your life being afraid to get hurt, you will never live, life is spontaneous, that's what makes it awesome.Never settle for something that is good, when you could have something that is great!

You should pick 5 qualities that you look for in a man/woman and don't settle until you get them, life is too short to spend it with someone you don't really love. If through the bad times, you have to question, do i really love this person? then you don't really love them. Love is such a beautiful and great feeling, when you know you know, it is not something that you have to question, if it is then you probably weren't meant to be.

 Too many people settle for just good enough, spend life with someone whom you love perfectly, even with all the imperfections, there is such a thing called the "perfect love" you will know when you've found the right one for you. The whole settling for less also comes from the fear of being alone, some people hate being alone, so they'll be with anyone who will be with them, they always have to be in a relationship.

No judgments here, we were made for each other, it cracks me up sometimes when women are like, " i don't need a man, I'm fine all by myself", stop lying, yes you do. It is nothing to be ashamed about, If you don't need one, then you are going against the natural way of how things should be. God made Adam and then he made Eve, so Adam wouldn't be alone, it's natural to want a man. But it is good to wait for the right one, never settle for good enough, because later down you will regret it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Why Relationships Fail

There are a couple different reasons why relationships come to an end. The main reasons are a lack of communication, compromise and forgiveness. Communication is a vital part of any relationship. If you feel as if you cannot communicate with your partner about the things that are important to you, because of fear of them getting in a rage, that relationship will be short lived. You cannot be in a relationship with someone whom you are afraid to have a conversation with. There is nothing wrong with being sensitive,but being overly sensitive about certain things a normal person wouldn't get upset about raises red flags. I get that everybody is different in the way they react to things, but there is a universally acceptable behaviour , which determines the people who are crazy and the people who aren't. Everybody should know how to detect what is normal form what is not and i suggest if you detect that something is off in your relationship, evaluate it.

Usually being able to compromise, is a difficult task for people who are selfish. If you love your partner and they ask you to do something, which a normal person would see as being reasonable, it should not be a difficult thing to do. This is how compromising works, you do not go in a relationship doing the same things, or having the same idea about everything, you have to work together in order to be happy. Sometimes you have to stop doing things that your partner wants you to stop doing, or you have to do things that they want you to do, just as long as there is a balance. If your partner tries to control everything you do, you should exit stage left out of that relationship, because in a normal situation somebody who truly cares about you, will allow you to be yourself.

Being able to forgive is probably one of the hardest things that people are faced with. It can be very difficult not to have some hatred in your heart towards someone who has done you wrong, but as long as you hold on to it, you won't be free from it. God is love and being able to forgive comes from him. Its understandable to think that forgiveness won't happen like clock work, because as human beings, we take a while to get over things completely. In order to have a healthy relationship with whomever, forgiveness is a necessity. People who have a problem forgiving, usually end up having a lot of relationship problems, because nobody is perfect and mistakes will happen. The quicker and easier you get over things, the happier you will be.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Can men and Women be "just friends?"

Many people have a different stance on this topic, i personally think men and women can be friends without their being anything sexual between both of them. But some people beg to differ, i think men most of all who do not feel comfortable with their partners having a close relationship with other men, would be the biggest believers of this. You do have some men who can't be friends with women, because they only want one thing, so they keep you as a friend, then when they feel its the right time they make a move on you.

How many of you had a guy friend for as long as you can remember, he never really tried to get with you because you probably always had a boyfriend. But as soon as you and your boyfriend break up or start having problems, he is right there telling you, "you don't deserve this, you should be with a guy who treats you better, you know if you were with me you wouldn't have to worry about getting hurt" and the list goes on.

Some people think no matter what, if a guy is friends with you, he at some point has had thoughts about what it would be like to get with you, which may be true. Some studies have shown that men think about sex 13 times a day, that's a lot, how are you able to focus if you think about it that much jeesh lol. Some women, like myself rather having male friends, because women tend to be catty and they take a longer time to get over things. You have a fight with a dude, he doesn't hold a grudge, with a woman its different. Its like some women don't like to see other women doing well or happy, some people feed off other people's unhappiness.

When you get in a relationship or  you get married I think its a different ball game, I don't think you should have such a close knit relationship with other men, like going out with them, or being up at all times of the night talking with them, in my book, that's a no no. Some people would argue, men don't want to be just friends with beautiful women.

I think having a platonic relationship with a guy can exist but its pretty rare and most the times what do people say, being friends first is always the best way to go.You do have genuine men out there who do just want to be your friend and nothing more, while some just wanna get wit ya.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Why Women are Better at Cheating

Women are better at cheating because they are better at covering their tracks and lying about it. Women have affairs not for the sex, but for an emotional connection. A woman could have an affair for years without slipping up once: she will make sure her lover never calls her at home, texts her or emails her; and when they go out to dinner, they never pay with a credit card, so nothing gets traced back.

Men, on the other hand, have affairs simply for the sex.  They usually get careless half the time that's why most of them get caught.  Because women are emotional beings, when a guy has sex with her, she connects with him emotionally. That's where the problems arise: women can't have sex without emotions getting involved, so then they get a little crazy when a man rejects them, they start calling his cell phone at all times of the night, leaving voice mails like, "If you don't answer your phone, Ima tell your wife".

According to a survey done by infidelity facts in 2006, 1.7 to 3.3 percent of fathers are raising children unknowingly who aren't their own. It also states that, fathers who decide to challenge the paternity of a child are far less likely to be the fathers than the ones who are confident not to challenge it. The fathers who are confident of their child's paternity are not the fathers 1.7 percent of the time. 41 percent of married couples report having an affair; about 36 percent report having affairs with coworkers. 17 percent admit to affairs with a brother or sister-in-law.  That is absolutely terrible, how could a woman know that a child may not be her husband's or boyfriends or whatever and live with that fact?!  Apparently you have several women who have no conscience. . . as they say mommy's baby, daddy's maybe.

Another survey done by infidelity facts shows the times in life when affairs happen the most: 1) After the first year of marriage. Think about it: when you're in a new relationship it's exciting, everything is new; but then this phase dies down. Affairs occurring after the first year of marriage are almost never detected, and are typically just flings. There is no real emotional attachment to the other person and the cheating partner can still feel love for their new husband or wife. Regardless of how or why, if it happens here, the chances of it happening again later on in the relationship have increased substantially. 2) After the first baby.  Children change a relationship no matter how you look at it. And the first child is always more traumatic than the rest. You're stressed out, you don't know how to make them stop crying, all your attention goes to the baby, etc. Its not just you and your husband anymore.  The time you used to spend alone has been cut drastically. Affairs after the first child are brought on by the couples feelings towards each other. 3) The last two stages in life when a person cheats are the 5th to 7th year of marriage and middle age.  These stages are usually when everything has been accomplished.  You have the husband, the kids, the house, the car and the career (and on and on . . .).   You get bored, so you may buy another house or another car, or have another baby; but those things never fix anything.  If you're not happy with your partner anymore, just leave, another baby never fixes anything.  Obviously, if you weren't happy before, another baby only adds more complication.

 The average length of an affair according to infidelity statistics is 2years.  57 percent of men admitted to having an affair in any relationship they've had, while 54 percent of women admitted to it. 78 percent of men admitted they would have an affair, if they knew they wouldn't get caught, as to 68 percent of women. Men may cheat more, but women are way better at it. According to a survey done by Open Mike it proves just this, 25 % of men get caught cheating, opposed to only 14% of women.  Women are more likely to lie about it and not get caught. Society frowns more upon a woman cheating than a man, they are judged more for it, so they have figured out how to hide their affairs more effectively.

Monday, September 5, 2011

How to Keep it Sexy but Classy: Outfits That Will Make Him Say WOW!

Every woman's body is different, its for you to know what type of clothes suits your body type. Like for example a woman with a boxed shaped, would look better in something that isn't too form fitting, or a woman who has a little bit of a tummy would look better in something tight under the breast line then goes off  kinda flowy.

All these looks paired with the right hairdo and shoes can be worn out to dinner with that special someone.

These looks can be worn out to the movies, or out to lunch.

These are more of a casual look, you can wear these out for a stroll in the park, or to grab some icecream

Friday, September 2, 2011

Infatuation vs Love

These two get confused more so by women than by men. You probably met someone who gives you butterflies, you get all excited to be around them,you can't wait until he calls again. Infatuation could be defined as having unrealistic expectations, thinking that everything will always be great, because you overlook things, you give the relationship no time to grow and change, so you expect that it will stay the same. How many have you found a guy you think is absolutely great, a month or 2 passes and you start seeing things in the person that you didn't before and your kinda taken a back.

Love grows and changes, its all about compromise and working together. Ask yourself if you're happy, ask yourself if this is the person that i want to be in a relationship with, because love is a commitment, love is forever. Infatuation is short lived, you probably

 center your whole world around this person and everything around you kinda becomes non-existent. You think you've fallen in love with him, but in fact you've fallen in love with the idea of him, maybe because he has money, or his looks. Then later down you realize you didn't really love him, you thought you did because of all the physical aspects he brought to the relationship. This is infatuation, gets confused a lot with love, it takes a grounded person to distinguish between the two.

You have to be able to evaluate your relationship, ask yourself questions like, do we have a future together? do we have goals together? In love you build a relationship together, its all about change if you can't handle the change then you aren't in-love.Its about trust, hurt, goals,plans,happiness and sadness. So take a step back and ask yourself, do i want to spend the rest of my life with this person? am i in love with him and not the physical things he brings to the relationship? am i happy to be alive when i wake up in the mornings? am i happy this person is in my life? if the answer is yes to  these questions, then I'd say your in love.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why Do Men lie?

 I'm sure  more than half the population of women ask themselves this question. There are various different reasons why men lie. If you notice kids start lying at about 4 years old, because they want to test or find out what they can get away with, usually when someone grows up pushing the boundaries all their lives and never being spoken to about it, or punished, then often times this carries over into their teenage and adult lives, because they never learned their boundaries.

You have some men that will tell you little white lies,that won't do much harm, then you have the pathological liars who will lie about any and everything, from the shoes on their feet to the shirt on their backs. Some are such good liars you don't even know when your being lied to, because they make even themselves believe what they're saying.

He'll be adamant  that the sky is pink, when you can see its blue, but he'll be so convincing, makes you stop and think maybe it is pink, maybe something is wrong with my eyes. Now these men need psychiatric help. If they lie to you about everything, from the little white lies to the big fat ones, something is wrong with them, i suggest you check them in a psych ward, cause they're crazy.

 The common denominator to why most men lie though is because they don't wanna be punished, they know the importance of truth, but in their minds if they lie there is a maybe smacked in the middle of whether they get in trouble or not, now they think if they tell the truth, there isn't any chance for them.So they go with what they think is easiest to do. But with one lie you end up telling a lot more to cover that lie, it takes a lot of work, you've gotta remember exactly what you said, as the saying goes, liars never remember what they tell you, its so much easier when you just tell the truth.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Can a woman change a man?

 The life long question for women, we like the idea of being able to change a man, because having one who does the right things is just too boring, its like an adventure for us women, it brings us excitement. But in all truth, no woman can make a man change if he doesn't wanna be changed. If you met him as a player he will probably die a player. But we just love the idea of being able to say " I changed him." On the contrary though, some women can make a man change, if a man meets a woman and she makes him wanna change then he'll change, but forcing a man to change is not the way to go, they have gotta want to change, in their own time and in their own way.

 If forced they will probably do what you want them to do, for a while, then they go right back to their old ways.Its like forcing a drug addict to go to rehab when he isn't ready to get clean, he goes, then a month later he's back on drugs, He's gotta really want to change. Its up to you though if you wanna put up with his mess until he decides to change, if you think he's worth it. If a man truly loves you, he will change for you.

The more years and experience he has acquired the harder it will be for him to change his bad habits, sometimes you get so overwhelmed and tired of his habits, when he's finally ready to change, you've already checked out. If years pass and you see no changes being made and things just keep getting worse, its not gonna work, just leave.

If you have young kids and your thinking about their well being and your absolutely miserable, leave before they remember both of you being together, the older they get, the harder it is for them. Life is too short for you to spend it unhappy with someone you see no change happening with. This may not be easy to do, but nothing in life is easy to do, if in the long run it will be worth it. Faith goes a long way and then there's common sense.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The 8 Types of Men

We all know there are different types of men, some that you might want to stay clear of, and some you wanna scoop up, marry and make babies with.

1. THE NICE GUY, otherwise known as the guy who finishes last,which is true in some sense,you might not get picked first,but they are the ones who will end up with the girl in the end.Women take time to realize that this is what they really want. This is the guy you want to marry and spend forever with. He opens doors, he treats you with respect, your family loves him, your friends love him.He won't be perfect though, everybody has things they need to work on, but he will make you happy.

 2. THE BAD BOY, a teenager girls dream, most teenagers have no clue what they want, so they become all infatuated with what they think they want, and base their thoughts about a guy solely on what he looks like and if he's cool," OMG, he has a motorcycle, that is so cool Jessica." He may cheat on you a million times and you still take him back. This is the type of guy that makes you say, WHAT WAS I THINKING!. Hey you  learn from experience, he also makes you realize the nice guy is what you really deserve.

3. THE PLAYER, now this dude probably has a whole lot of charm, slick and sly, he will make you feel like you are the only woman in the world, for the time being, until his antics start to wear on him and he becomes careless. Nobody can have several women at the same time and be able to give each the time that they need. It always catches up to them, that's why they always get caught, because they can't keep up, they slip up somewhere. If a man is neglecting you, spending all sorts of quality time with his "friends", he'll be like " baby why you mad, Jermaine needed me to stay over a couple days cause he broke up with his girlfriend , i got you some flowers though." Do not fall for that mess, he'll try to distract you by saying or doing something sweet. He was probably with one of his four  girlfriends.

4. THE SHY GUY, he may seem like the sweetest guy of them all, he will remind you of a little human teddy bear, so cute and cuddly. This is just in the beginning, the relationship will start to feel a little bit boring, he might be too shy to try new and adventurous things, he may probably want to do the same things over and over again, because he is afraid to do anything that he is not familiar with. He may be sweet in the beginning, but after a while the relationship will feel a little waa waa,washed out.

   5. THE NERD, now he may be the smartest out of the bunch, but he will be really hard to live with, because all his life, he had people make fun of him, so he continuously feels like he has to prove something to everybody, including his partner. He will be set in his ways and very OCD about everything that he does.

 6. THE OLDER MAN AKA THE SUGAR DADDY, he is the man that knows what a woman wants, he will take you shopping, buy you cars, open doors for you, takes you to all the fancy restaurants,five star hotels, all over the world. All the shenanigans will be great,but after all of that, the woman will end up leaving, because a woman wants love. But he tries to buy his love, he loves younger women and will never find someone who cares about him for whats inside, because he uses money to get what he wants.

7. THE YOUNGER MAN, older women are infatuated with this species. When a older woman gets with a younger man, most the times he just wants her to take care of him, he is looking for a sugar mama, who will wine and dine him, treat him like the woman in the relationship, after a while the woman, will hopefully come to her senses and realize that this is not gonna work.

8.THE OVERLY JEALOUS DUDE. Run!!! if you meet up on a guy like this, nothing else to say, this guy has some deep rooted issues and insecurities he has to work out on HIS OWN. You will feel stifled if you find yourself in a relationship like this, jealousy to the extreme comes with anger, you do not want to feel like your doing something wrong even when your not.You don't wanna be told you were checking out the guy around the cashier because you had to look at him to pay for your food, nobody wants to live like that.

Monday, August 29, 2011

How to make up instead of Break up

If you notice most the fights that occur in relationships lead back to underlying factors that aren't really talked about. Sometimes your partner just wants a listening ear and not a problem solver, men and women tend to have this notion that they can fix anything.This can cause major problems in a relationship, especially if your partner isn't looking for that. take for example this dialogue between two people in a relationship.

Maggie: hey honey i had such a stressful day at work, i have a co-worker who  just has it out for me, i just wish she would just go away.

Tim: what kind of problems is she giving you .

Maggie: just little things she does, she just tries to get under my skin.

Tim: Well I'm sure its not that bad, just suck it up

Maggie: well you wouldn't even understand, you've never had a co-worker treat you like that, you have the easiest job to do, all you have to do is answer phones and you get paid, i have to deal with so many other things.

Tim: you don't realize all the sacrifices i make for this household.

 The argument goes on and on and on, while both are totally disregarding the underlying factors, that's contributing to the argument, Maggie is frustrated because she is tired and just wants someone to listen and  not try to fix it, while Tim is frustrated that he hasn't been able to find a better job so he has to take a minimum wage job and she's complaining about the great job that she has. One way to solve this is to sit down and talk about the underlying factors that causes frustration towards your partner. Arguments are healthy in a relationship, its when the arguments become too excessive, then the relationship becomes dysfunctional.

No person was made specifally for another person, we learn to compromise and work through problems by communicating, you are gonna dislike some things that your partner does, its natural. if you are happy  majority of the times and sadness creeps in every now and then, the relationship is a healthy one. You may feel frustrated in the middle of an argument, you may feel like you don't wanna be in the relationship anymore.But you will learn in every relationship you have problems, u might see happy pictures on facebook, but believe me, they have arguments too. If you think you can escape problems and frustrations by getting in a new relationship, all that does is give you new problems.So if your happy overall in the relationship, a fight here and there should not warrant a break up.

There is also the blame game, you blame each other for the cause of the fight," you caused this, no i didn't, you are the one that caused it," this gets you nowhere, nobody wants to take the blame for a argument, which is natural, most people don't wanna be wrong even when you know your wrong. But the best way to solve this, is to acknowledge what you did wrong and what you could have done better, this solves the problem completely, if both partners take a stance and  admit to what they did wrong, without putting the blame on each other, then the problem will be solved a lot quicker and a lot easier. This may not be very easy to do, especially in the middle of a fight, but if you focus on the love you have for your partner and you just wanna work through the fight, it can be done very easily. Just look at what exactly is causing you to be frustrated and discuss it.

 There is almost always an underlying issue that isn't resolved that causes continuous fighting. Remember an argument takes two people, if your partner says something to frustrate you, the worst thing you can do is say something that equals out the frustration,you shouldn't give in, but we all know this is hard to do, so if a argument does happen,don't play the blame game.
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

He's just Not That Into You

Some women just want to be in a relationship and get married and live happily ever after, but they ignore the signs.

1.Women tend to be  more complicated than men, so we look for messages in everything a man does, the truth is a man doesn't really give mixed messages, if he doesn't call you after you gave him your number or after a first date, he's moved on to somebody else. If after a week he doesn't call, he isn't interested. Some women  make excuses as to why he hasn't called yet, "maybe this happened, maybe that happened." Nothing happened, he just doesn't wanna be with you, this can be tremendously hard to hear, especially if you liked the guy a lot. But its healthier to accept the obvious and move on.

2. So u met a guy and u probably text back and forth a few times a week, then all of a sudden he didn't get your text messages, then when you finally get a hold of him, the excuses start flowing in," oh i dunno what's wrong with my phone, i haven't seen any messages from you," or the " i didn't see any of your missed calls or voice mails". Men pull these cards regularly when they have no interest in a girl. He won't ever call you, but some women wanna hope it's something else, other than the obvious fact that, he's just not interested, or he has somebody else occupying his time.them  being men will not just come out and tell you he isn't into you, he'll just ignore you.

3.The I've been so busy card, there is no way he could be that busy where in one whole day, he didn't get even a 10 minute break. Any man tells you that, it is absolute bologna. if a guy is really into you, every chance he gets to hear your voice or see how you're doing, he'll take it.

4.The wondering eye, if your out with him and he keeps looking at other girls, this just means your not enough for him and he doesn't respect you enough to not do it. Some women tend to bypass this, in my experiences the guy is almost always going to end up cheating if he can't keep his eyes off other women. If a man shows that he doesn't care, he just doesn't care.

5. If he continuously talks about himself and not interested in anything you have to say about yourself. You will be talking then he just  buts in and tries to navigate the conversation back to the awesome person that he is. its like a mental thing, when a man just isn't into you he zones out. If you have to ask him on a regular basis what you said, honey he just isn't into you.

6.If a man doesn't let you know where he lives if you've been dating for over a month, he's not into you and doesn't introduce you to any of his closest friends, don't think this is gonna be a long term thing. He's thinking you're just for the moment.

Friday, August 26, 2011

How to Capture the Attention of the Right Guy

 The first way to get a guy is by feeding his ego, guys have huge egos and if you make him feel good about himself you will stick out in his mind. never be too forward or available, in other words don't make yourself look desperate, guys hate that.When a woman exuberates confidence a man can see that. nothing is sexier than a confident woman.

No one will have confidence in you if you don't have it within yourself and always wear a smile. If you think your gonna get noticed for wearing short skimpy outfits and being over the top flirtatious, of course you will! but you have to ask yourself, is this how i want myself to be seen? or the type of guy i want. You will never be taken seriously.

YOU DON'T HAVE TO WEAR SKIMPY OUTFITS TO CAPTURE A MAN'S ATTENTION. Men are naturally visual human beings,they want someone who has a great personality and who also carries themselves well. Wear something that accentuates your body, find the one thing you love about your body and make it work for you, remember to always keep it classy and make sure you look well put together. Capture the eyes, then you capture the heart.

Subtle flirting is always a good thing, smile at him from across the room, make eye contact with him, once this has been engaged he will come over and talk to you.Notice his body language, if his posture is directly to you and his pupils dilate, he's interested. Keep the conversation going by asking him questions about himself, do not be afraid to give him compliments and if he returns the same gestures, he's into you.

One way to tell if he's disinterested, notice if he won't look you straight in the eyes and if he constantly looks to his right when he's asked a question, this translates to the left side of the brain which produces imagination, so you know he's lying. His voice will probably get a little high pitched and his posture will change, he probably won't face you directly. If this happens he is probably not the guy for you. If he looks to the left this translates in the right side of the brain which stores memories. Remember to keep him interested, talk about sports with him, but do not be afraid to be yourself. If you don't like sports that's fine, be honest with him, but make him feel comfortable to talk to you about it and listen to what he has to say, even if it isn't your favourite thing to talk about, compromise.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

5 Ways To Get Over a Breakup

A breakup can be a really hard thing to get over, here are 5 ways to help you get back to happiness.

1. You cannot be friends with him,there is no way this is going to work, calling him, showing up to places he might be, keeping the texts he sent you. all of this needs to be erased completely from your life, get a box and fill it with all the stuff that reminds you of him. if a song comes on the radio that brings back memories, change it, you have to completely dedicate yourself to moving on, if you want to be happy.Delete his phone number, delete his texts, do not check his social network page, block him.dispose of everything.

2.Go out with all your closest girlfriends, do not stay in the house moping around, nothing is worse than being at home alone with a broken heart, that is just a prescription for complete depression. keep active, go to the gym always have something to do that keeps your mind working and off him.

3. If you happen to see him, go the other way, avoid him completely. you do not want to go up to him and start a conversation, that's a no no.This can make you feel a million times worse, it would be like starting over all again.You are still gonna have feelings for him, going up and talking to him will only bring the feelings flowing back in and you do not want that.

4.Do not let yourself go, go get your hair done, go get your nails done and go shopping. if you happen to run in to him, in a unavoidable situation, make sure your looking good.

5.Last but not least go on dates, see what else is out there, nothing beats a breakup, but a new relationship.

The fears of Starting a New Relationship

let me start off by saying, there is no better way to get over an old relationship than by starting a new one, it takes away a lot of the pain and hurt. people often say, "I'm emotionally unavailable" or "I'm not ready", when will you know when your ready? life is about taking chances. Its about time people face the fact that men were made for women and women were made for men, we need each other, its just a fact. When we don't have one we miss them, because that's how it's suppose to be.

 Going into a new relationship can be somewhat scary, especially if you came out of one where your partner was a total jerk. It can  make you feel a little doubtful not knowing what to expect. some people stay single for years, afraid to step out and take a chance. They get lost in the theory of "what ifs"..." what if I get hurt", "what if he turns out to be a jerk" you will never know until you make a move. Women especially tend to over think things and worry, the best thing to do is to live in the moment, see how things progress, take things slow.

 There are four parts to a relationship: dating, courtship, engagement and marriage, if each step gets time to develop the relationship will turn out extremely well. Get to know someone first, go on a couple dates, see what the person is all about. after this part then a commitment can be made, whether this person is someone you can see yourself having a relationship with and make sure the feeling is mutual. make sure this gives you opt amount of time to get to know the person really well, so after the engagement, there should not be a long wait period before the marriage. I always say, if you don't know if you want to marry me after a year then it will not work, if your with me and I'm everything u want, what's stopping you from making that step.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Cheater

If a man cheats on you, there is no way trust is going to be 100%.Things that never use to matter before will all of a sudden become a problem," I wonder where he is", "why is he friends with her"," what's wrong with me, wasn't I good enough." this in turn makes you feel insecure and makes you look crazy.

Never blame yourself for being cheated on, if your partner isn't happy, the right thing to do is to leave. Do not listen to anybody who tells you time heals all wounds, some just won't be healed as long as u stay in it.

Forgive and Forget is easier said than done! your head will tell you to leave, but your heart won't. One of the biggest thoughts that goes through a woman's head at this time is, "it was just one time", the thing is if he did it once, he will be compelled to do it again, don't get me wrong people can change, but especially if he is young, change may not come for a while, so if you make the decision to stay, just be prepared for more heartache.

The relationship will be changed drastically, you will long for it to be how it was before, but it will never go back to that, because you will always have a spec of doubt in the back of your mind, reinstating the fact that he may do it again. The thing is any man tells you he will never hurt you, just isn't true, his motive may not be to hurt you, but we are all human and we are going to make mistakes. If a man can say to you, I won't promise that I will never hurt you, but it will never be my intent , then u have a keeper.

 It just isn't realistic to think you will never hurt your partner, that just won't happen, whether it be by the words we say or the things we do, not everybody has the same interpretation of things, so it is not impossible for someone to be hurt by something said or done. what may not seem like a big deal to you may be a big deal to your partner. I'm not talking about cheating now, if  you cheat, you have the intent to do it, whether it be 5 minutes before it happens. You don't accidentally have sex with somebody, if you cheat you know it's going to hurt your partner, there is no justification for cheating!

Mistakes Teenage Girls Make

Teenage girls have too often gone down the wrong path because they didn't have a strong sense of value for themselves.
Teenage years can be the most confusing and hard times of a woman's life, during this age girls don't know the value of their bodies and their minds.Especially if grown up in a single parent household without a father or a strong father figure in the home, they tend to go elsewhere to get the attention and love they're not getting at home. Moving from relationship to relationship, sleeping around with different men, trying to fill that part of them that is missing.

Teenagers tend to live in the moment and consequences can sometimes seem non-existent to them. But the older a woman gets, she finds herself and realizes most the mistakes they made were avoidable. no parent can stop a child from making mistakes, but teaching them the right things and spending quality time with them will not do any harm. For parents it may seem awkward to talk to your child about sex,but if they don't learn it from home, where are they gonna learn it? Don't just tell them "don't have sex", explain to them why it is important to preserve their bodies for the right person who will respect, marry and love them.Time for the remix,Lets be real,every child will not stay away from sex,its just a fact.

Acknowledging this is just reality,teaching about the different sexually transmitted diseases and contraceptives is another way to go.Society has come a far way and most of our values have gone with the wind, but its up to parents to instill in their kids the right morals and values.Teenagers may not always listen, because this is such a defiant and experimental time in their lives, but this is the time they need the most guidance.It is impossible to never make a mistake,but really big ones can be avoided.