Do you feel like you can't have a relationship that lasts, and you won't ever find someone cause all men are dogs and all the good ones are taken, blah blah blah. Maybe you're just looking in the wrong places or sometimes the problem lies within you. Maybe somewhere in your subconcious lies the problem to why you pick the same guys everytime ( daddy issues, mommy issues or just issues overall). Never try to find someone to validate who you are, you don't need someone to love you for you to love yourself. Love starts with us.
Sleeping around with a bunch of different people won't give you the validation you need, it will leave you feeling empty and alone. If you keep searching for something that you lack in someone else, you will always end up with a hole inside your heart. You have to be alright with yourself, for you to be alright with anybody else.
Different people have different views on how love will be found, or how a love story should be. But there are no rules when it comes on to love. Can we choose the people we fall inlove with, literally, yes we can, if I don't wanna fall inlove with Paul, I won't. But can we help who we fall inlove with? because if you really like someone, it's hard not to fall inlove. As soon as you start to fall if you don't pull back, nature will do what nature was created to do, like the trees grow if you don't cut them down, the water flows if there is no interference. Love grows if you let it.
I believe if there are unresolved issues in your past relationships, or life, they will definately affect your future relationships. Getting over issues from your past is never easy.The suggestion I would give to someone, would be to resolve your issues before you get involved with someone else, because it will probably ruin a good thing. I know being alone sucks, but being alone is way better than being in something unhealthy. Find love & peace within yourself first.