We have all been through this once or twice, maybe even 3 times in our lives. for the ones who haven't, 2 claps for you, you've managed to spare yourself a major blow to your self esteem. For the ones who have, hang in there sweetie, there is someone out there for you. My motto in life is, if it's meant to be it'll be and if it's not, there's always icecream, chocolate and romantic movies to get you through those sad times and ofcourse that guy who will forever be friendzoned. lol
The best thing to do is to just let it go, I know the heart wants what the heart wants, but it's not worth it. You will spare yourself a ton of embarrassment and kleenex. You don't wanna be his right now and you shouldn't settle for being his right now, even if he's really cute. Which makes it even harder. You just have to keep yourself busy inorder to not think about him, go out, clean your house, throw yourself into your work. Do whatever it takes to get him out of your head. Cause I can almost gaurantee he aint thinking bout you.
Do not chase him. Don't text him, don't call him, exercise self control. If anybody is going to do those things let it be him. Now I'm not saying you should never call or never text, but especially if you just met him, you have to make him realize he's not the center of your universe. You show just enough interest to keep it going. Show him you don't need him, let him realize he needs you and if he doesn't, kick rocks...deuces! on to the next one. Someone better might show up. You never know.
Now this might sound like a game, but isn't life a game? depending on how you play your cards, you could get burned or you could win. Everything has an art to it, you just have to learn how to master that art. How to keep him coming back to you. Men like a self assured woman, you show him you have a life outside of him, and if you don't talk to him for a day or two, oxygen keeps flowing through your lungs.
But I know you think to yourself, why does this always happen to me, but it happens to everyone, knowing that makes you feel a little bit better about yourself. Life is a funny thing and love is almost always unexpected, thats what makes it so freaking amazing. Your love will show up soon, just stop thinking about it and before you know it, poof! unconditional love. Yeah right lol no I mean it.
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