1. Not putting the toilet seat down, need I say more. Have you ever woken up at 3 in the morning with all the lights off and expecting to have the toilet seat down, so you sit and wham straight in you fall. I mean there isn't a rule that says you have to put the toilet seat down, but it's common courtesy, the gentleman thing to do, unfortunately we have a small percentage of those left.
2. Selective Texting- Men reply to texts they want to reply to. If you send a text wanting to discuss something they don't want to, they ignore it or they change the subject. When the tables are reversed though they get pissed off if you do this to them. Usually women are pretty good about replying to texts, especially if we like the person. I absolutely hate when my texts go ignored, then you hear some lame ass excuse like, oh snap, I didn't see this message and you're left thinking, you and your phone are siamese twins, how did you not see my text. You aint got to lie Craig, you aint got to lie.
3. Predictability- I really like spontaneity, if you call me everyday, text me everyday, I'm expecting it. I hate being able to expect what you're going to do. I like doing things on a whim, If I call you up and say, hey let's go sky-diving today, I want you to drop everything and go skydiving with me. It might be a little impulsive, but we all need to be a little impuslive every now and then.
4. Indecision- Can't take a man that's indecisive, leave that to me and I can be pretty decisive when I want to be. If we have to go back and forth about what you want to do, makes me wanna pull my hair out ( a bit dramatic, but it brings my point across). I like when a man is manly and takes charge. Don't leave it up to me to decide everything.
5. Not Passionate Enough- Passion is everything for me, A shy guy won't ever work for me. Granted I'm usually shy at the beggining when I meet someone, I don't know why, but I am until I get comfortable enough with you to open up. Passion gives relationships excitement and jazz, lift me in the middle of the dance floor and kiss me, twirl me, dazzle me. I like someone that can open up to me, tell me all your deepest, darkest secrets, I wanna know everything you're feeling. Sweep me off my feet, knock my socks off, not too many people can do this, but if you manage to, I'm like icecream in your hands baby.
6. Jealousy- I'm an air sign, I don't know to what extent all that horoscope crap is true, but I can say, I absolutely love my freedom. One sure way to lose me, is if you smother me, instead of giving in, I lash out. This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. If you get mad when I have to look at the guy at the fast food place to pay for my meal. It won't work. I mean a little jealousy can be cute, everybody gets jealous, if you didn't, you wouldn't be human, but extreme jealousy is unhealthy and a big problem, nobody should have to put up with it. It's not because he loves you and cares about you too much it's because he's insecure.
7. Lack of Ambition and Intelligence- Having someone I can have an intellectual conversation with, is stimulating for me, If I can talk to you for hours on end, without getting bored, that's a sure way to keep me interested. I get bored extremly easily, and I get over things easily. If you can keep me entertained and intrigued, You got me. Have you ever asked a guy what he wanted to do with his life, at say the age of 30 and he tells you he doesn't really know.Yeah, that's a major turn off for me, at that age you should atleast have an idea about what you want to do. I mean your 20's are your figuring out what you wanna do years, 30's are the years when you're establishing a career and your 40's are when you pay for everybody's drinks. If I'm working my ass off, I don't expect you to not be doing the same. No bueno
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