The I'm not a player line- Usually this means , I'm a player. The fact that you have to tell me you're not a player, means that you are one. He thinks you are thinking that he is one, so he tries to convince you that he's not, because for one, even if a woman thinks a man is a player, him coming out and admitting to it, would be a complete no go, he knows you won't give him a chance. So he tells you he isn't and for women, even if we know it, you not saying it, makes a difference. Then again on the other hand, some men are actually upfront about this, but women still go in heart first.
I'm not ready for anything serious- This means if I make you feel like Mrs Universe and we happen to have sex, and you catch feelings, and want a committment, I told you from the start that I didn't want a relationship. This is a get out of jail free card. He might treat you like you're in a relationship, but when it comes on to making a real committment, he will remind you of just this. Men know women get emotionally attached, so tellng us this, is just a defence mechanism, because they know after sex we get all girly, even if you don't see yourselves with the person forever. Telling you this gives men the upper hand if you decide to leap into something with them.
I've been busy- I wrote about this one before, but I have to touch on it again, being busy is not an excuse, this just means, you're not that important. You were the flavour of the month last month, but i've moved on to Jessica now. Maybe next month you'll have your turn. Nobody is ever too busy to send a 2 second text, if you got a chance to go to the bathroom, you could send a text. When you like someone, it doesn't matter, you make time. Don't fall for this excuse.
The worldwind romance- He will probably create a routine, calls you every night, texts you everyday, takes you out every other day. The game to this is, he's trying to get you hooked, so that when he doesn't call you the next week, you are already head over heels for him. So he can string you along as long as he wants to. If you want to keep him around, don't be too available.
The I've been hurt before line- Men tell you this to evoke sympathy out of you, even if he doesn't want anything serious with you. He knows telling you this, will get you to form some kind of bond with him, it will get you to feel sorry for him, in turn letting your guard down, because women wanna be rescuers, we are caregivers by nature. I mean some men genuinly have been hurt before, but typically it's all just a game.
If he doesn't wanna take you out- This has no explanation to it really, if he doesn't wanna take you out, dump him and move on.
If he calls late and comes over late- You are a b-o-o-t-y c-a-l-l, spell it with me. That is all you are to him, he probably has his relationship girl he sees during the day, and reserves your time for a Sunday or Wednesday night, when his bay has to work.
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