Let me start off by saying I hate rules, as a rebellious soul, it only comes naturally to me, to try my best to bend, twist and break them, but I do follow them from time to time as much as I don't want to. The rules of dating kinda irks my nerves though. Why are there these unwritten rules that you think you have to follow in order to establish a meaningful relationship?
One of the things I hate, is the whole you can't be your true self thing on dates, granted, holding back doesn't really qualify as not being yourself, you don't wanna be telling him in-depth information about your ex's or past screw ups, first impressions do stick.You can't really say exactly how you feel, or you may feel like you can't, because you're scared he will think you're a nut or you get obsessed easily. Now everything has a limit to it. If you come on too strong, I will admit, it can be a bit of a turn off. For me, I hate when a man is way too complimentary, like telling me I'm pretty one too many times, kinda makes me wanna scream, it comes off as unauthentic. Now I hate when a guy doesn't give enough compliments, tell me I look beautiful when I do. But don't overdo it.
The when to call rule after the first date. Who cares if you call 3 days later or 2 hours later, if you know you both had a good time, why does it matter? Generally the girl wants to wait until the guy calls or texts, I think we've come far enough from the era when women allowed men to be the first at everything. I don't think it really matters who makes the first move. I actually think men like when a woman makes the first move. Show him whose boss.
Wondering if he or she likes you, the ever tormenting thought. As much as we try not to think about this, we do and we overanalyze everything, did he mean this, did she mean this when she said that. Just take it for what it is or you can always just ask. Some people aren't very verbal so sometimes even though they might treat you like they like you, you never really know because they don't say it. My love languages are words of affirmation, quality time and acts of service, I don't wanna just be shown, I wanna be told also. I can imagine that's what most people want, though everyone's love language differs.
The limbo phase- not knowing where the relationship is going, you both didn't really come out and say you want a relationship, but things are going really well. You think he's your boyfriend, she thinks she's your girlfriend, but nobody wants to come out and say it, because you don't want that whole awkwardness, so you feel like you're stuck in limbo. On the border of girlfriend and boyfriend but not quite in the loop. Again just don't be afraid to ask, if it doesn't go how you want it to, it was just not meant to be.
When to introduce to friends, There isn't really a time limit on this, If it feels right just do it. It doesn't have to be a big thing, it can be in a casual setting, a casual meet up. You don't have to haul out the trumpets and throw roses at the ground.
If he doesn't reply to a text within a certain time you deem to be acceptable, do not send him 50 texts after that, that'll make you look insane. Sometimes things come up, don't jump to conclusions. Always give the benefit of the doubt and just let it go, innocent until proven guilty.
If he says he will call you back later and he doesn't-women think later means, later on today, now for men later doesn't necessarily mean the same day. Men don't really put a time frame on this, their later could mean tomorrow or the next day. On the other hand you could also just be number 10 on his list. Don't sweat it, if he doesn't call, he's missing out, because you know you're a good catch, you don't need a phone call to validate that.
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