Friday, April 13, 2012

The Guy that you just keep going back to

So i was watching the hills and Audrina and Justin Bobby's relationship was so tumultuous, he treated her like crap and she still wanted him, which brings me to this post. A lot of women I'm sure have been faced with this dilemma in their lives, the guy who is just not right for you, but for some reason you just can't leave him alone. You think to yourself, what is it about this guy, that keeps me so entrapped, he doesn't treat you how you're suppose to be treated, you want with your whole being to let him loose, but something always pulls you back in. I think women love to chase, getting a good guy is too easy, so we go for one that's bad, because we want the challenge of being the one who changes them.

You stick with a guy for years, trying to work with all his bad habits, hoping that one day he will love you enough to change, but it never happens, you know why, because change has to come from within, if someone does not want change, he won't change. I'm all for second chances and i have a huge heart, i believe that people can change, but not everybody will change, you have to learn how to separate the two. Hope is a great thing, but common sense has to take a role in it also. 

Some women who have been with their boyfriends for years, think that if they leave  someone else is going to be rewarded for all the blood, sweat and tears they have endured throughout the years with this person. So they hold on, even when a relationship is beyond repair, you have to put you first, and trusting in God is a great thing, sometimes you have to go through things, to get to something even greater. One of the main techniques i have seen men do when they are caught in a lie or cheating, is to automatically make it seem like it's your fault, women tend to be more passive individuals, but nobody could tell me i drove them to cheat, you don't accidentally cheat, it's a conscious choice.

 Women need to stand firm and just let a cheater go, do not let him him make you feel guilty, or try to turn it around on you, or make it seem like that's not what happened. That's another thing I've seen men do, proof is right there in front of their faces and they are telling you that's not what happened. Baffles me every time, how sick in the head are you, to have your other girlfriend standing there with your girlfriend and you deny everything.Mind boggling, But that's what they try to do, they try to manipulate you, because they know if they can get one spec of doubt in your mind, they can bring you back in. Kinda like what a defense team does in a murder trial, if they can create just a little bit of doubt in a jurors mind, they have a chance of a not guilty verdict.

 There are times when a guy may come on to your best friend or friend and she tells you, you then go and ask your boyfriend about it and he tells you: she's just trying to mess things up for us, she's just jealous she wants what we have. What's so sick about this, is that some women actually believe this, the friend you have known for years who has never tried to go against you in anything,who has been there for you through everything, but your boyfriend who you've known for 2 months tells you that, and you believe. 

Its that mind control thing, it's like that one guy, you will just always have feelings for and no matter how shady the stuff is that he does to you, you just can't stay away. I don't know what it is about the guy who won't commit to you, but you keep waiting for him, when deep down you know he won't, it's just that love to chase thing, women won't admit it, but they just love that chase. You love the guy who wants you only when he wants you, but you crave for the day when he will need you and it is that, that keeps you going back.


  1. What a very nice post!
    Thank for making this one.

  2. Thank you so much for making this very inspiring blog of yours! I'm really honored I come across and read your blog!I just wanna quote my favorite phrase like:
    "You stick with a guy for years, trying to work with all his bad habits, hoping that one day he will love you enough to change, but it never happens, you know why, because change has to come from within, if someone does not want change, he won't change. I'm all for second chances and i have a huge heart, i believe that people can change, but not everybody will change, you have to learn how to separate the two. Hope is a great thing, but common sense has to take a role in it also. "

    "One of the main techniques i have seen men do when they are caught in a lie or cheating, is to automatically make it seem like it's your fault, women tend to be more passive individuals, but nobody could tell me i drove them to cheat, you don't accidentally cheat, it's a conscious choice."

    I certainly agree with this because I've experienced this one.

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